Team Book Huggers won the tie breaker today! Congratulations to Rylee Lowder, Rachel Zacher, Elise Quinlan, and Sophia Olson. They will head to Happy Valley on March 7th (along with McKenna Thomas and Laura Benim) to represent MRA and compete against schools from Clackamas county.
Please join me in congratulating all our amazing book readers who competed in our 6th-8th grade battles this year. I am proud of the way these students supported each other through all the battles. Team Mind Readers (Devon Scharmann, McKenna Thomas, Laura Benim, Kylie Benim, and Shelby Goetz) promised to help Book Huggers by supporting them all they way through regionals!
We will meet next Wednesday, Feb. 19th for practice, during lunch/recess in Mrs. Hood's room.
Book Huggers and Mind Readers, please be thinking of t-shirt designs you would like to have for regionals. I'm including Mind Readers in our t-shirts this year because they have been such a huge support. Those who are going to regionals please fill out the parent permission slip before Feb. 28th.