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Roots' Day was great!

October 19, 2019

Dear South Huckleberry Families,

Roots’ Day was a wonderful success! Students, siblings, parents and staff worked hard to care for our school grounds. South Huckleberry had the job of grooming the berms. We pulled weeds, trimmed bushes and raked leaves. It was a great opportunity for all to learn what it takes to be incharge of land. The students used the skills learned the first six weeks of school as they worked together in groups. They had to compromise and share, do things they might not have chosen to do on their own, and then celebrate each others’ success, together!

In the afternoon, groups circulated through stations learning more about: Oregon flowers, ancient grains, how to make cider, and prey and predators. They also painted flowers on boards to be used on our picket fence surrounding the playhouse. This day is one more reason I love this school. We work to develop the whole child, not just the academics!

Conferences are coming! I’m looking forward to meeting with you and discussing your child’s goals, strengths and areas of challenge. Please watch for the conference sign-up that is coming from the office and complete the goal sheet included. Bring it with you to the conference so we can discuss what you view as important for your child during this school year.

Nightly reading is in full swing for all students. Whether your child is bringing home books in a bag selected by me or selecting his/her own books, all students should be reading nightly. If this time is challenging for you at home, please let me know and we can brainstorm some ways to make it more pleasurable. If the books we send home are too easy or difficult we can easily remedy that with a note or email from you. Nightly reading should last from 15-20 minutes a night. Who knows, maybe your child will want to read more!

For the next two weeks sharing will be about butterflies, monarchs in particular. It can be artwork, books, or butterflies themselves. Puzzles would be fun, too! This subject coincides with our study of migration. It is not necessary to always participate in sharing. Observers are just as important!

Have a great week!

Dainette Harris

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